Wednesday, September 16, 2015


#loseweight #getskinny
Kristi has this to say…
“My Skinny Fiber before and after (so far)…
11 months and 80 pounds gone!
I am not actually trying to push/sell the Skinny Fiber. I am just very proud of myself and honestly just don’t think I would have lost about 80lbs in a year without the SF.
I was not even recognized when I went to dinner the other evening and this lady has known me a while. This prompted me to look at my before and after photos. I was amazed. I actually cried.
I guess I haven’t really grasped the change. I get so many compliments, but I thought people were just being nice. I knew I was losing weight and I deserved their compliments, but I had no idea I was doing THIS good. And STILL GOING!! It feels great!!!! 
Thanks for letting me brag lol”
Current SPECIALS and more Skinny Fiber ->

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