
Monday, September 14, 2015


#loseweight #getskinny
Current SPECIALS and more testimonies HERE–>
My name is Josie and this is my 90 day results on Skinny Fiber. I stumbled across the first picture about a week ago it was taken a year ago. I was devastated with how heavy that I had gotten. The reason why I am including that picture in my results is because I am using that to hold myself accountable to never get that heavy again. I have tried many diets and I have lost then gained. I could never keep it off. I even tried getting hypnotized.
So last February I started eating differently by following a diet and it seemed to work at first. I lost 14 pounds from February to April and then stopped losing. No matter what I did I could not lose a pound after that. Then I joined a weight loss group on facebook and started reading about Skinny Fiber. I was one of those quiet ones in the group that just read everything. Then one day I thought what the heck I might as well try it. What is there to lose besides weight. They offered a 30 day money back guarantee so if it doesn’t work I will at least get my money back.
The second picture is when I started Skinny Fiber. Well after 2 weeks I started feeling better and my clothes were getting looser. I was sleeping at night it was great!!! The scale was not moving much but I was reading in the group that it’s ok for that to happen. I was dropping pants sizes and shirt sizes that was enough for me.
Now I am at my first 90 days on skinny fiber I am down from plus size clothes to regular sizes. So in the last 90 days I have lost 15 pounds and a total of 21 inches. I am ecstatic!!! My husband tells me everyday how great I am doing, him and my son are a great support group for me at home. The best feeling is when people start noticing and congratulate you.
Current SPECIALS and more testimonies HERE–> 

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