Saturday, September 12, 2015


Today marks 1 year since i decided to change my life. ( January 19, 2014) Yesterday was 1 year since i sat in the doctors and was told if i want my kids to have a mom i needed to change my life NOW. That is all it took for me to get it together. I started working out, watched what i ate and i started drinking water. I was surprised how hard it actually was. Luckily i had a few people in my life that supported, encouraged and pushed me to keep going. My weight has done some fluctuating but i am proud to say i am so much healthier than i was 1 year ago. Ive gone from a tight 2x shirt to a medium-lg and gone from 18-20 pants to 12 and those are getting loose as well. If you want something hard enough you will do it. No matter how much work it takes. I have been on Skinny fiber for almost 5 months. i have lost about 20lbs and i have lost a ton of inches. I LOVE Skinny Fiber, But i love my new life more.
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