Monday, September 21, 2015


#skinny #healthy #fit
This is …CHARO and her Skinny Fiber results! 
Current specials and more amazing success stories
“I started Skinny Fiber on 12/29/12. Within 2 weeks I already noticed that my belly was disappearing. No dieting or exercising! I didn’t really lost much weight…maybe only 10-12 pounds but the inches were melting away everywhere. I took the 90 day challenge and was religious about taking the Skinny Fiber. Then I continued taking it off and on until August 2013. I stopped for one month because people kept asking me what would happen if we stopped taking Skinny Fiber? Would we gain the weight back and our appetite? Well, I didn’t gain the weight back or the inches. As a matter of fact, my appetite remained the same. I didn’t crave chocolate (my favorite) and was still eating small portions because I just wasn’t hungry. So I started taking it again as needed in September until December 2013. Truthfully, I was forgetting to take it daily. But I still lost inches. The picture on the right was taken the 1/1/14. And I just bought my first ever pair of slacks in size that I haven’t worn in years….size 6. So I went from a size 12 - to a size 6 in slacks. And my shirts were from XXL or L to a M. My only problem now is I have to buy new clothes!! Not bad for a 60 year old, huh!!! If I can do it, so can you!!”
Current specials and more amazing success stories

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