Thursday, August 13, 2015


This is Tiffany and her Skinny Fiber SUCCESS story 
She says..
“I was not always overweight, but had a very unhealthy relationship with food. My mom was a aerobics instructor and so I always wanted to be fit. I worked out in high school and college, but would always be on the "fad” diets. Eating good and exercise were always important to me but they just weren’t enough. Fast forward 10 years and two kids later. Still continue to work out but now have new issues, hysterectomy and hormone crazy!!! NO motivation, no will to move, no energy to workout, no “want” to eat healthier. I knew I needed to do something for ME, my husband and my kids… or it was going to go down hill real fast.
I was introduced to skinny fiber at the end of November… I was skeptical… I researched EVERY site I could find. No bad reviews, no side effects, no workout and change of eating habits…. Sign me up to prove it wrong!!! Well I did just the opposite… I PROVED IT RIGHT!!!! And SO HAPPY I DID!!!! To date I have lost 30 lbs.. my husband has lost 70 and we have a different life!!!!I would NEVER take a full length picture of myself before now!!! I love my new body and I love my new life!! SO if you are on the fence… just TRY IT!!! What do you have to lose…. JUST THE WEIGHT!!!! I promise you… make a commitment to yourself… to take care of YOURSELF!!“

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