Friday, August 7, 2015


Wow! What an amazing story!
Kati says:
"Sorry it's a long one!!! This is me so far....
I have struggled with my weight all my life. I was always an active kid/teen and still managed to stay just a bit “heavier” than all the other kids. My family was always supportive and tried to help as much as possible, but I just never could get thinner. My mother also struggled greatly with her weight. She was up and down with her weight all my life.. Her weight gain was usually the result of health issues or recent surgery, but her love of sugary sweets defiantly didn’t help(which she passed along to me:() By her mid 30’s she had already had 3 heart surgeries. . She had many other health concerns which were accompanied by a slew of pills she was required to take every day to stay alive. I watched my mother in so much pain my whole life. She was a wonderful woman and the best mother to me and my brother. She passed away in August of 2012 at the age of 57. I was camped out by my mother’s side on and off for the last 2 years of her life, one hospital ICU to the next…and this past august was the last time we spoke. She made me promise that I would live my life better and healthier than she had so that I could get to know my grandchildren. My daughter was only 1yrs old when my mother passed and that girl brought so much joy to my mother. When my daughter was around her was the only time I felt she was genuinely happy the last few months. I never met my grandmother because she passed a few years before I was born. After Mom passed I started to reevaluate my life and the way I had treated my body. Heart disease runs heavily on both sides of my family and I knew that if I didn’t change my ways I wouldn’t be able to be there for my grandchildren…I weighed 185lbs the morning before my mother’s funeral. That was the largest I had been without being pregnant (my highest weight while pregnant was 195) I used food to deal with the stress of my mother’s illness. I had the very best intensions after mom’s passing to change my life. It lasted about a month and then I was back to my old ways. Then at the beginning of this year (2013) I experienced a few seizures. After being tested like crazy, my doctor came to the conclusion that it was what I had been putting in my body that caused my seizures. I was a Diet Coke Addict!!! Now we all know that aspartame can cause health issues….well I thought “never me”. But at the rate I was consuming them…sometimes I would have up to 4-5 44oz fountain diet cokes a day….it’s no wonder my body reacted. My doctor told me I HAD to change how I treated my body now or worse things could happen. So I quit drinking soda, I quit eating “crappy” food, and started to get off my butt! I figured the weight would just fall off after my life changes, but it didn’t. I’ve tried every diet supplement out there and nothing had worked in the past so I was at a loss. That’s when I found Skinny Fiber through a Facebook Support Group. I thought “why not give it a try? They have a money back guarantee… I needed to find SOMETHING to help detoxify my system!” I originally bought the buy 2 get 1 free option since I figured I had so much “bad stuff” in my system. I took them to my doctor before I started and he gave me the ok. He even said “in theory they should work. This looks like it really might help you.” It was the BEST decision I ever made! I started Skinny Fiber in May of this year….I was sold! I lost 20lbs on my 90 day challenge (35total and still going..;)) and have never felt better!!My skin cleared up. My energy was through the roof. Even to the point where exercise was so much easier. I even crave it some days which I never ever thought I would feel that way. With the help of my support group and Skinny Fiber I will never look back! I will be there for my grandchildren, I promise mom!!!"
Start your journey today with all natural Skinny Fiber. Change your health, change your life  Online specials

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