Tuesday, August 4, 2015


#healthy #skinny
My name is Jill and I thought I would send you my results from 7 weeks ago, when I first started Skinny Fiber. First I’d like to mention the picture on the far left was a very unhappy lady. After the suicide death of my brother and my Mom being diagnosed with dementia, I really decided to give up. I like many am an emotional eater and I tried to fill the void with bad food choices, as I just didn’t care anymore. I also am type 2 diabetic, and was diagnosed with high BP and put on meds for both. I was in and out of the hospital with very high blood sugars over 500, and high blood pressure with all the stress and depression. There were days I couldn’t get out of bed, I needed 2 naps a day, and cried almost daily. This was taking over my life, and I didn’t recognize me. Let me say I always was skinny, before my two girl’s ages 11 & 7, I never had a weight problem. The pain in my back, feet and hands from the diabetes was crippling. I tried everything out there, shakes, wraps, green tea you name it I bought it. Nothing worked. I kept seeing posts from a friends friend with these great recipes and pictures of the success stories. I thought, what the heck I’ll give it a try. OH BOY! Day 2 I felt full. and by the 2nd week I had lost pounds and the INCH loss was even better. After 3 weeks I began to have normal blood sugars, and the pain in my hands and feet went away. For the first time in years, I no longer suffered from insomnia. The energy I have these last 7 weeks is unreal. I ALSO don’t wake up every 2 hours to go to the bathroom which is a HUGE plus! I feel ALIVE again! All I did was take 2 pills 2x a day 30 minutes before my lunch and dinner. I drank 4-5 bottles of water daily. After my 5th week, I did a colon cleanse and the picture to the far right is right now. 5/10/14. I’ve lost 18 pounds and 28 inches. My clothes are falling off me, and I’m not done. I have 10 more pounds to go. I feel healthy, and have no side effects at all. I’m currently off all meds, and don’t plan to go back on them. If you are on the fence, DON’T BE! You have nothing to lose except inches and pounds and become a healthier YOU! GO for it! I’m glad I did.
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