Thursday, August 13, 2015


#loseweight #getskinny
Happy for my friend Jackie!
Her most recent update:
Looking back on old photos really made me smile today!
I am not where I want to be …but I am so much closer to that goal.
The first photo I faked a smile.. I was depressed… I was tired.. I was in pain!!
I see myself now and I feel like a weight.. or a lot of weight .. has been removed from my life!
I love Skinny Fiber. I love my life with Skinny Fiber!!!!
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and on 4 different medications (not all at once) and was gaining weight yearly. 
For 15 years I could not lose an inch… I started Skinny Fiber and in 5 weeks started losing weight and inches….
After being on Skinny Fiber for 6 months I was taken off the medication and my Dr told me to keep taking Skinny Fiber.
My cholesterol was down.. perfect blood pressure… off pain meds for my arthritis and fibro pain and no more irritable bowel syndrome..
My Dr said it was an amazing supplement for many things.. not just weight loss!!
I feel and look better at 52 years old than I think I ever have!
You can order Skinny Fiber here!

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