Sunday, August 23, 2015


Hi My name is Heather; I live in Gainesville, Florida… I have a 14 year old son William who is the most important person in my life . I love to inspire others to lead a healthier lifestyle through my own journey of finding health and happiness I have been on Atkins Since April 2005 and I have lost a total of 270 pounds … I feel amazing inside & outside… I’m so blessed to be able to work for myself at home, it’s a dream come true. I love meeting people thru my business and seeing their lives change because of the amazing products we represent or the income opportunity attached. There’s nothing like the feeling of knowing that you were part of someone achieving their dreams! I know what it’s like to be overweight and unhappy… To not be able to go thru a day without your whole body hurting… To run out of breath walking up a flight of stairs… To receive looks and stares and people telling me that I’d be drop dead gorgeous if only I’d lose 50lbs… To be the heaviest person at your family’s gatherings… I know what it’s like because I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life. I’ve tried everything and lost and gained hundreds of pounds. On that journey I’ve met people just like me and discovered it is my passion to help others get healthy and lose weight. My life’s mission is to change the world, one body at a time. My business fell into my lap after the product, Skinny Fiber, was introduced to me. It’s the most impressive supplement I’ve ever seen and I have lost 74 pounds & 70 inches since January 2013… By adding it to my daily routine. I’ve shared it with all my friends and they are losing weight & inches We feel amazing and it just keeps getting better! 
Get yours here:

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