Monday, August 10, 2015


#weightloss #getthin #trim
So proud of you Christine!
Hey all! I wanted to share my journey and struggles with you today for several reasons, first and foremost I think we can all relate to someone on here in some fashion and hearing about someone going through the same thing you are is comforting to know that you’re not alone. Secondly, I thought it would be good for me and my self-esteem to remember where I started and how far I have come. So with that said please understand what is working for me may or may not work for you but here it goes…
I am 45-year-old mother of two living children; I say that because my first son passed away in infancy. I have had three c-sections, gallbladder removal, and a hysterectomy. I have never had issues with my weight until about 6 years ago. My mother was dying of cancer, I was working a full time job, a part time job, taking care of her and watching my marriage fall apart. My biggest weakness is I am a stress eater. Then to complicate the situation even more, I had a hysterectomy and my gallbladder removed. After that everything went crazy for some reason, I was tired almost all the time! Anyway one of things this group advocates is choosing a lifestyle (not a diet) that you can live with, I had done weight watchers in the past because my ex-husband always struggled with his weight so I was very familiar with it. I have been very diligent with the plan I laid out for myself but it was still a slow process due to lack of energy. I started taking Skinny Fiber about 7 weeks ago and I have seen and more importantly felt a significant difference. I finally feel as if I am getting back on track to being me! I thought it was a bunch of propaganda that Skinny Fiber would help my energy, but it truly does. I still have a long road to go, but I know it can be done. Thank you so much for reading my story.
Join Christine and get your skinny fiber here!

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