Monday, August 3, 2015


#trim #skinny #fit
Whooo Hoooo!! Look at Carloynn…she says:
“Okay here it is…. My first 90 day challenge completed…. My name is Carolynn and I almost want to CRY!!!!! I’m both happy and Sad…. you see, I’m happy because i’m down 36 inches now and I FINALLY have CURVES!!!!!!!!!! I FINALLY found something that works with my body to help me lose the weight! As some of you know I was a gym girl (when the the first pic was taken, AND i watched what i ate, AND i was on 2 ball teams, AND i counted my calories AND i had my Doctor test me for everything under the SUN and NOTHING seemed to work!!!) I tried Plexus, I tried Green Coffee Bean, I tried Raspberry Keytones and Garcia Cambodia… it wasn’t until I started Skinny Fiber where REAL results started!!!! It’s NOT a diet PILL!!! My body is ACTUALLY doing what it’s supposed to!!!!!!!! This summer (yes even as an adult) I had to listen to other adult women call me a fat cow and while i endured it in public let me tell you i bawled my eyes out privately… I can’t tell you what being overweight does to someone’s self esteem…. You NEVER know the battles they are fighting….. People can call you fat, and lazy trust me I’ve heard it all.. but i can tell you I’m one of the most active people you’ll ever meet and I was still a fatty!!! Even tho I’m not done losing and I’m going on my next 90 day challenge I’m holding my head a little higher… I’m a little more prouder of myself and when i hear the names I smile and think "yep, you can call me whatever you want cause i might not be a supermodel, but being ugly on the inside is much harder to change then me losing this weight.. SUCKA” Thank you skinny Fiber for giving me my life and love for life back! “
Change your health~Change your life! Order yours

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