Monday, July 6, 2015


#loseweight #trim #gethealthy
Tracy’s words…..
The first photo I was wearing a size 10 jeans and was heading into a 11/12. I was always tired, cranky, and dreaded getting out of bed for work. I was also suffering from IBS and fibromyalgia pain. I hurt all over most of the time. I was convinced I must have the flu as I was always achy. I was called by my friends and family sickly …all the time.
Second photo is me 2 years later, wearing a size 6 jeans. I lost my small muffin top in about 2 months and my fibromyalgia pain and IBS symptoms disappeared shortly after that. I was so full of toxins from all the medication I was prescribed and all the crap I was eating. I would get upset or depressed and turn to chocolate or some kind of sweets. The pain medicine would just slow my metabolism a little more and that is when the pounds started piling on.
I turn 46 on Sunday of this week 11/23/2014 and I actually feel better now then I felt at 30. I have gone through 2 different car accidents in the last 2 years and I do have pain from the ruptured and bulging disks in my neck but I am no longer taking any pain medication. I only take my Skinny Fiber, and when the pain gets real bad I will apply a heat wrap and take an Ibuprofen. I can not state that Skinny Fiber is controlling that pain but I can tell you I feel better and I would not change this feeling for anything in the world.
In case your wondering, I no longer have a gall bladder, and I had a complete hysterectomy, I also do not take any hormone replacement pills. I only take Skinny Fiber. Who is ready to take charge of your life and get healthy…Who is ready to feel better?

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