Monday, July 20, 2015


#loseweight #getskinny
Another AMAZING testimony!!!!!
You can order your Skinny Fiber here
Tasha says,
Here is my personal testimony…
I have struggled with my weight for over 10 years now. Trying every diet under the sun only to fail over and over. I even went so far as to have the Lap Band surgery. Major fail!! Why?? You have to follow a stupid diet!! What was I thinking?? I did lose 20 lbs or so but I then gained 35 lbs. At this point I was 277 lbs…tired and depressed.
So, when I got engaged I decided it was time to lose some weight and I lost about 20 lbs in a year’s time on my own (Oh, about 6 lbs was my breast So, here I am in the wedding dress..When I saw my wedding pics I was so embarassed. Right after the wedding was when I started on my Skinny Fiber…And I was delighted to lose weight and go from a tight Size 22 to a 16. I love Skinny Fiber!! You know why?? I don’t have to diet!! I eat but I eat much less. Even when I don’t take my Skinny Fiber I still don’t eat a lot at once. Works for me!! Still have a ways to go but I look and feel much better ~ Tasha J
Start your own personal healthy journey today

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