
Saturday, July 11, 2015


This is the beautiful Sylvia and she has this to say…
“ When I first heard about Skinny Fiber, I asked LOTS of questions and watched other people for over 5 months before I broke down and ordered. It took me that long, because I had literally tried EVERYTHING with no success  I really didn’t think this was going to work either, but since it had a money back guarantee, I decided that I would order it, but this was it…this was going to be the last thing I ever bought!!! Plus I was so tired of being sick and tired of myself! I was so overweight and I remember it was hard to walk anywhere, I would fall asleep just sitting on the couch because I had ZERO energy! I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself! I would cry daily because I hated how I looked and felt!! It was just so awful! So I finally gave in and ordered Skinny Fiber and I went ahead and paid the extra $10 to be a distributor (just in case it actually did work), and figured I wouldn’t be out much if it didn’t. I am currently down 68 pounds and tons of inches (I stopped counting)  I started out in a tight size 30 and am now wearing a comfortable size 22/21. I still eat what I want in moderation and have not deprived myself. I honestly just don’t crave the junk like I used to. 
My son (14 at the time) decided to take it with me and lost over 60 pounds and has kept it off! He is a totally different kid! From when he came out of Jr High to when he went into High School! His friends didn’t even recognize him when he went into High School. He is now very active, riding his bike and playing sports! I am so proud of him!! I’m so grateful for the Teen Challenge and that Skinny Fiber is 100% Natural and safe for anyone to use!”

100% All Natural
Check out the website SPECIALS!! Buy 2 Get 1 FREE, Buy 3 Get 3 FREE! 90 day money back GUARANTEE!!

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