Friday, July 31, 2015


#loseweight #getskinny
I love this one.
Susanne has this to say…. 
“I had to go back into the phone booth to see if I left 35 pounds inside!
These pictures were taken in London 6 months apart. I started Skinny Fiber on Labor Day 2014 and by the end of my 90 Day Challenge I had lost 30 pounds. Another 5 pounds came off in Jan 2015 and 2 more recently putting me down 37 pounds now.
I have gone from a size 12 to a size 6. The best part is I have not been hungry and from the first day my cravings for sugar and carbs has been gone. I was a major sugar addict.
I also have Hashimotos Disease( Hypo -Thyroidism) and Rheumatoid Arthritis and my symptoms have improved tremendously. Inflammation has reduced significantly and my energy level has been so much higher.
Skinny Fiber is not a miracle drug. I have been very disciplined. I have not eaten sweets of any kind since Labor Day and I’m eating very low carb. The difference with Skinny Fiber is I have had the ability and desire to stay committed to eating healthy.
I am under my goal weight but plan to take Skinny Fiber indefinitely!!! I love it!”
Change your health, change your life! Order your Skinny Fiber today! 

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