Sunday, July 26, 2015


#healthy #thin
Here is ANOTHER example of how the weigh scale does not tell the story. Melissa just sent her 30 day update pics. 30 days…. she’s only lost 2 pounds BUT down 17".. Look at the difference inches make!! Stop letting the scale control you!
“I swore I was never going to post one of these. But with this kind of amazing success, how can I not share it with my friends and family and the world! Today m…arks 30 days since I started Skinny Fiber. While I am only down 2.5 pounds I am proud to say that I am down 17 inches off of… my physique! Most of it is off of my dreadful midsection. Pictures don’t lie people! Skinny Fiber has saved me in a lot of different ways. But I feel so much better and my level of self-confidence is through the roof.…”
Ready to begin: You can order here!

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