Friday, July 31, 2015


Karen’s latest update!!!
What a beautiful lady!!
I am so Excited, I just weighed in and Measured and I could not wait to share this with you!!!! I have lost 20.2 lbs and 30.75 inches!!! Can I get a WOO HOO
Let me share my story:
I have struggled with my weight ever since my first child was born 24 years ago. I had gotten so close to my goal probably 20 times, but never reached it, got discouraged and blew up to fat land again and again..Last year, I was so close once again and then I had my surgery. I gained all the weight back that I worked so hard to get off. I was stuck in a rut, depressed, and lost all self esteem. I was taking my HRT and thought maybe that was my problem so I went off my HRT thinking it would help me lose weight but then I was Just fat with severe Hot Flashes and Night sweats.I was so embarrassed and was about to give up, but then I started watching testimonies of people losing weight with Skinny Fiber. I kept thinking, if it is working for them, why would it pick me to be the one it would not work for. My husband is so supportive of me and as I researched the product (because that’s what I do), he encouraged me to give it a try for weight loss and to get a bottle for him so we could do this together.
Here is where I get personal, My Surgery was in part regards to my weight gain and 9 lb. babies but also because I have had chronic Constipation since I was around age 12. I also was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at age 30. For a private person like me those statements are such a huge step for me. I do not let people close enough to know that about me. There is such a bad stigma with Fibromyalgia and no one talks about bathroom issues. But those two health issues overtook my Life. Until Now…
I do not have any bathroom issue , WOO HOO, and as a result of my weight loss, My Fibromyalgia symptoms are not my every waking moment thought anymore.
Let me tell you what has changed in my life since I have taken Skinny Fiber. I take my Skinny Fiber everyday like I do my Vitamins. I drink 115 oz of water per day because That is what makes me feel at my best. I never drank anything but coffee and water before, I just wasn’t consistent and I was dehydrated, No wonder I had issues. Due to my weight loss, I do not have to spend $96 a month for my HRT which had me worried about breast cancer,and I have Very Few Hot Flashes or night sweats! That alone is reason enough for me to take my Skinny Fiber every day! For the first time in 24 years, I am aware of what I am eating and not crash dieting. Skinny Fiber keeps me from Overeating and I have lost my cravings for all the junk food I used to hide around the house. I have so much energy now, I am able to walk 2 miles per day on a cross country path. I don’t weigh myself everyday, I do not let the scale dictate how Great I feel. These may seem like such small feats to most but for me…such a major accomplishment!!!
So there it is , My Story …My Life is Changing and I am finding my Happy Back. AND MY LIFE IS ONE BIG WOO HOO!!!

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