Monday, July 13, 2015


#loseweight #getskinny
John is the TOP WINNER of our first ever WorldwideSkinnyFiberChallenge So proud of him!! Excited he has invited us all to be part of his amazing journey!
This is what John has to say..
“I started April 3rd - I weighed 515 lbs. I had to weigh in at my local scrap yard so I could start the challenge. I lost 72 lbs in the challenge which I only did 87 days cause I didn’t receive my Skinny Fiber pills til after the challenge started. I weigh 437 to date. I’ve dropped 3 pants sizes and 1 shirt size. I still have some work ahead of me but my whole family is doing it with me. July 25th I will run my first 5k race in over 20 years. I will not give up I will win my life back. Thanks everyone for all your support.”
How inspiring!!! Are you ready to get your life back?
Order your All Natural Skinny Fiber here:

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