Monday, July 27, 2015


#fit #trim #healthy
I even have 20+ years in the nutritional supplement industry—researched for 4 months before I took the chance— Skinny Fiber really has helped me finally lose weight after gaining from thyroid disease and pre-menopause! I dieted and exercised a lot and still could not lose a pound!!! I have gone from a tight 14 to mostly size 10. Have lost 5 inches from my waist and do not have painful IBS anymore. I have more energy and now I am going to start working out–oh yeah–I did not even change my diet or work out to lose it! It took me 4 months to finally give in and take the chance–with the 30 day money back guarantee I had nothing to lose if it didn’t work!! Now my whole family uses it–Dad is 84 and his diabetes is finally under control. My Mom’s cholesterol went from 317 to 244 in 2 months with Skinny Fiber and 2 of my sisters no longer need meds for migraines!! I am now off my thyroid meds and take no pain pills! 

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