Monday, July 27, 2015


Here is what Felita had to say…
“Before starting Skinny Fiber, I was skeptical. I went to an event that my friend Monica was doing and ended up winning the draw she was doing for a free bottle. I decided to give it a try. I had nothing to lose except the pounds! Starting Skinny Fiber has changed my whole outlook concerning my weight. I now eat healthier. I used to eat one meal a day for years and now I eat my meals and continue to lose weight and inches. I have lost a total of 18 pounds and 16 ¼ inches, and still a work in progress.
My husband, Carmen, has supported me from the start and is proud of what I have achieved so far. Thanks Honey, "I Love You”. I have back problems, so I was limited as to what I could do for exercise. Monica called me one morning to see if I wanted to go for a walk and that’s what got me started exercising. I walk 50 minutes a day. She has been such a great friend and very supportive. Thanks Little Sis! Tomorrow I will be starting my next 90 Day Challenge and I can’t wait! Thank you Skinny Fiber for giving me my life back!“
Check out Skinny Fiber so you can enjoy great recipes in moderation without feeling guilty!!

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