Saturday, July 18, 2015


#loseweight #getskinny
WOW Check out Betty!!! I had to share.. an amazing story so far!!!
There is such a difference in these two pictures - man Skinny Fiber has made such a difference in my life! Weight is coming off even with Hypothyroidism-(Dr recently reduced my Synthroid dosage - had been on same dosage for about 3 years) losing inches - AIC is lower a whole point - anyone with diabetes can understand what a one point drop in their AIC means - cholesterol is lower by 30 points!!! - RLS is gone - GERD is gone - had some elevated liver enzymes (due to gluten intolerance being non-diagnosed for so long) which have decreased- just so much improvement in my overall health - and I FEEL wonderful.. GET YOURS HERE.
One bottle is 59.99. Buy 2 get one free is 119.99. Buy 3 get three free is 179.99.

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