Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I am not one who likes to bring attention to myself. I would rather focus on helping others and put myself on the back burner…It is awesome when you find others with kind of the same issues as you do. In helping a few friends dealing with their weight and issues, my eyes and mind have opened up these past few months, I didn’t realize how much they were helping me and then BAM we have been supporting each other ever since. 
I am an emotional eater…June is a hard month for me… 4 of my loved ones have passed…so when May comes around I automatically start eating blindly…When I started feeling the consequence of not taking my Skinny Fiber and my emotional eating… I would tell myself it’s ok cause of of my emotional state.
I am so proud of Me yes I am!! I have Jumped back on with both feet…I have been back for almost a month now….Exercising, Eating Healthy, Taking my Skinny Fiber 2 capsules with my 2 biggest meals with 16 oz of water…I am drinking ½ my body weight in oz. of water.
I love my support team…Having a support system is so important for me…Makes me accountable…I’m not just someone behind the screen anymore.
I am feeling so much better not just Physically but Emotionally too.
How am I doing –Starting to losing again…I learned I did not have the will or want (desire) to stick to anything and I was using my emotions to be ok with feeling bad… UGH… 
Now that I am gaining success, Thanks to all of you with your likes, wonderful comments and to my support team!! 
I can get over the past of emotional eating and see the future! I have become a non emotional eater smile emoticon
I’m sharing this photo to help those in the struggle. You are not alone! Do all that you can to get there!“ Join my Support group.
We are all helping each other one meal at a time. Ask me how.
I am always posting awesome stuff!

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