Sunday, May 17, 2015


Just in from Denise! Your Update Looks Awesome Girl!
Denise says:
Today I have been on Skinny Fiber for 21 weeks and I Love Love It. I have been on a Diet most of my life it seems like I’ve tried everything under the sun and it would work for a little bit and then I would get bored with it or it just quit working. I have Tried Diet Pills and they made me feel like I was on Speed so I would have to get off of them. And I was skeptical of Skinny Fiber so I watched this Page on Facebook for over 6 months before I decided to buy and believe me I am so glad that I decided to try this because I had gave up hope of ever losing weight again. And I’m going thru Menopause so my Hormones are out of whack so that makes it hard to lose weight and I’ve never in my life every had a regular bowel movement until Skinny Fiber now I go like I’m suppose to. I was always bloated and just felt miserable all the time and since being on Skinny Fiber I have not been bloated at all. I have been looking for this kind of results for along time now and I am so happy to finally find something that works. And I know you think it’s to much money but it really isn’t because I know myself I was always spending money on some kind of diet pill and it never worked. And I can go out to a restaurant now and order something and I can have 3 meals out of it so actually I’m saving money in so many ways. I’m not try to push this on anybody because believe me it’s your choice but I just wanted to let ya know that it really has changed my life and I will be on Skinny Fiber 4 Life.When I started Skinny Fiber I was wearing a tight 13/14 now I wear a 9/10. And also I wanted to tell you that I love Chips & Chocolate and since I have been on Skinny Fiber I have not had either one and I was eating them daily. My cravings have went away for junk food isn’t that crazy.And my Energy Level is at of this world and it’s all natural energy so no jitters. If you are like me and want to feel good about yourself again you need to give Skinny Fiber a Chance and see what it will do for you. And has of today I have lost 15 pounds & over 25 inches!!! And I have got my Self Esteem Back. Woo Hoo!!! Love Love Skinny Fiber!!!!!!

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