Sunday, May 10, 2015


Amazing! This is Bernadine. Skinny Fiber is truly Changing Lives!
Get yours here:
Bernadine says :
“I started my get healthy journey in April of 2014 I had been looking 
at the skinny fiber website saying I should try this out. Finally decided to order and it was the first day of the rest of my life…I lost 13 inches in the first two weeks and it kick started my determination to stay strong and finally accomplish my weight loss goals… June I had a huge set back I lost my mother at the age of 63 to a massive stroke……during that time I forgot to take my sf but my mothers passing really made me think of me for a change….my mom took care of everyone around her and didn’t live what she preached…I needed to change so at the end of June I went myself to the doctor and was diagnosed with pre diabetes…and very high cholesterol….so I got back on the. Skinny fiber train and kicked ass….my sugars are down under 5.5 and my cholesterol went from 4 to .05 and since April I am 70 pounds lighter….thank you skinny fiber for giving me back my life……”
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