Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Regan’s AMAZING Skinny Fiber success story!
“Okay for all of you waiting for my before and to this day progress…Here I am, Regan..I am a hard case.(at least on my self) I know some will say you..? Really?. I am sorry but we all have our inner demons..Skinny or fat.. I am a mom of 3 and Gram of 3…I have lost 16 lbs on Skinny Fiber and have only done 2 days of Hip Hop Abs ….I weighed in at 160lbs in the 1st pic and today 144lbs. The reason I started Skinny Fiber truly and foremost is for my IBS with constipation…I was miserable…I saw a post months ago by someone about recipes and joined a group. In the group I kept reading testimonies about weight loss and happened to kept seeing improvement with IBS and decided I had to ask questions. I have had IBS with constipation for around 13 years and had somewhat the constipation part taken care of with another pill, but not the pain part and was missing work and church. So, I decided one day to pm a distributor for what hours…And she answered me for every minute I asked a question to the group host…I was a SKEPTIC…seriously?? A pill that can make me lose weight plus help this painful IBS?? I kept talking more than one day…a few…she would answer…poor her I thought…but finally I said what the heck, I want to ease my pain….and if I lost weight…YAY!!! I am glad to announce 16 lbs down, just shy of my 39th birthday (which is MONDAY) and IBS pain free…Thank You Skinny Fiber!!!”


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