Thursday, April 16, 2015


WOW!!!!!! This is Marcella! Girl you look Marvelous!!!!!! She has this to say about Skinny Fiber..
“Yayyyyyy! Skinny Fiber! It’s working for me! Skinny Fiber helps you to feel full and not crave sweets, and this product is awesome for your digestive system; the enzymes and fiber help me to be balanced and healthy there. It is my desire to get the weight off and keep it off. My friends and family have noticed the weight loss and are asking me what am I doing, what am I eating and does this stuff really work?!.
I don’t keep track very well but you can see the weight lost. I was 216 before I began Skinny Fiber and as of today, I am 173. I’ve been on Skinny Fiber for six months. I will finish my final 1st order bottle at the end of this month, then start my second 6 months.. I’m not exercising because of my back. So it is truly working for me!
You take 2 capsules before two of your largest meals. I eat breakfast lunch and dinner but don’t worry about all of that, once you start taking the Skinny Fiber you get full and eat less. I like to eat from the bread and butter plate, and I like to eat my food sauteed. I love bread but I try to only treat myself on occasion; things like sweet potato pie cobbler only on occasion, fish and chicken never fried.
I have learned how to prepare my food in healthier ways; saute in olive or grape oil, you can look at me and know I love to eat. I don’t diet, I just eat healthy and drink plenty of water no soda oh! And I take my Skinny Fiber! And everything in moderation. I hope this helps.
So, YES! it is truly working. Now I do it to maintain my weight.
Get 3 free months…. 90 day guarantee!!!”

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