Saturday, April 18, 2015


#loseweight #getthin
WOW!! Kimberly looks fantastic!!!! Order your Skinny Fiber
This is what she had to say:
ANOTHER ‘SELF’ UPDATE!! I don’t know if these photos really do it justice, but I can tell you that the girl on the left was miserable and didn’t feel very good MOST times. Although I never looked obese, the percentage of body fat was VERY high and it was wreaking havoc on my entire system. Blood pressure 'sky-high’, hospitalized 2 separate times for 5 days each because they couldn’t bring it down. Cholesterol 'through-the-roof’ and in the beginning stages of diabetes… JUST A MESS!!
Within the first 6 weeks of taking Skinny Fiber, I lost my first 5 ½" around my middle and my next doctors report was INCREDIBLE!! Due to the weight loss, my blood pressure is now OPTIMUM at 100/78 (a far cry from 201/111). My Cholesterol is now OPTIMUM and my blood sugar is TOTALLY NORMAL!!
I did take a 6 week break from Skinny Fiber too see how my body react without it. I’m happy to say that I DID NOT put the weight back on, HOWEVER, I will tell you that ironically, my cholesterol shot from 126 to 190 in just that short of time. I’m not saying that it’s because of the lack of Skinny Fiber, but I will say that it was a BIG coincidence. So the moral of 'MY’ story is that I’m back on Skinny Fiber and I’m a LIFER. I just feel better overall!!
What’s stopping YOU from giving Skinny Fiber a try? There is a 30 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee, so there is nothing to lose, but POUNDS and INCHES!!!!
Take the 90 Day Challenge. Commit to the 90 Days. Commit to taking 2 capsules, 2x per day with LOTS of water throughout the day. Commit to staying the course no-matter-what and YOU WILL SEE RESULTS! 

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