Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Kasarah has now used Skinny Fiber for a year - she has PCOS so losing has always been very difficult for her. She shares her success!
She says: “I struggle with PCOS i will admit I work out but but not as much as i should be working out iv been struggling with PCOS since i was 14 years old When i was 16 and 17 is when my weight got real bad and just went crazy i had high cholesterol, high blood pressure and i was borderline on my way to being a diabetic they call it a pre Diabetic Im still in the line for pre diabetic but i do get hypertension but have not had any problems with it. my choelstraol is normal first time in since i was 17 years old. im not sure what my weight is now i have to buy a new scale because mine is broke”

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