Saturday, April 11, 2015


Here is Alicia and her update!!!

Here is my story!!
My name is Alicia and I started my journey with skinny fiber in September 2013. Before skinny fiber I gained a lot of weight having three kids. I was really in denial about just how big I was until July of 2013 when I had a picture taken with my girls and took a look at myself…..WOW! I had liked this post about skinny fiber and had been paying attention to the testimonies of those that were on it. I decided it couldn’t hurt to try it. Well my first month I lost a few pounds and some inches, then at my 90 days I had lost 21lbs. and 17 inches. I just kept right on going right into my next 90 day challenge and I have now lost 47lbs. I know people will say all you need to do is eat healthy and exercise, but I am going to be honest I had looked to food for comfort. While on skinny fiber I have not exercised, unless you count the five times I went to the gym! I do keep track of the amount of food I eat, but I eat what I want most of the time…and guess what I am still losing. This product is real and it does work! I plan on continuing my journey with skinny fiber for life! I love this product!!!
The first pic was in July 2013 2 months before I started Skinny Fiber! The second pic is me just a few days ago taken in March 2014.
This was one of the most difficult things I did, putting my picture up for all to see. I did it because I want people to see that Skinny Fiber truly works!! Look at the pic and you can see the proof!

Try skinny fiber for yourself
90 day money back guarantee

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