Sunday, March 1, 2015


Skinny fiber is NOT just for women!!!! This is my friend Jocelyn's hubby!!! Here is what he had to say!!!
"I have been big for most of my adult life. I had a minor angina attack 4 years ago but that never slowed me down. I changed my diet a bit but nothing else really changed until i got diagnosed last year with RA (rheumatoid arthristis) I had it in most joints of my body and the medication they put me on made me hungry and i ate more and kept piling on the weight.
When my wife brought skinny fiber (behind my back i might add. lol) i was skeptical, as she told me to take these tablets 30 mins before tea. I did it because i thought i have nothing to loose. My specailist also told me to keep taking the skinny fiber because it was working! she was amazed
2 months later i have lost 8kg and still go heaps to go.
I am on alot of medication so i thought if i take skinny an hour before tea and then my meds after tea, that was fine and they didnt affect me.
I love my skinny fiber. it is changing my life and it can change yours too"
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