Friday, March 27, 2015


This is Pauline 
She says...
I have been your friend & following you on Facebook for a while now. Because of you & your success with Skinny Fiber I decided to give it a try. I have been very pleased with the results. I watch what I eat, go dancing at least one night a week & have had wonderful results. The picture is the difference from May 2014 & March 2015.
I feel fantastic and have lots more energy. I turned 62 in November. I have 4 grown children & 17 grandchildren. Yes you may share my picture. As of now 75 pounds lost, I want to lose 20 more..working on it. In the now picture I have on a size 12 misses skinny jeans..I haven't worn Misses size clothes in over 30 years..always women's size!
You can order here!

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