Thursday, March 12, 2015


This is Julie with her 5 month Skinny Fiber update.
She says..
"Ok Here I go…This is really hard for me! Probably hard for many people, I didn’t realize I was getting so Big..ugh!I hurt my back 10 years ago at work needless to say have put on so much weight. I was addicted to pain pills, on 5 different meds. Losing all hope for myself….
So my 5 month progress On Skinny Fiber so far..I have lost 32 pounds & over 30 inches. But I don’t look at the numbers, I go by how I feel-AMAZING! I have never thought this was possible. I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, and have had PCOS for 20 years. I couldn’t be happier to tell you all. I no longer suffer from any of my health issues.
I was taken off ALL medications! I ONLY take my Skinny Fiber 2 times a day. EVERYDAY! I finally sleep, virtually pain free & my taste has changed so much I’m soda and Fast Food FREE!! This is the starting of my weight loss journey! I’m not stopping till I reach my goal. This was the last chance i was giving towards a supplement/weight loss product.
This has been life changing for me! If you knew me personally you would know I’m telling you the Truth! Give it a Go, You won’t be sorry! Time to LIVE!! I thank God every day for this New Beginning!! You can too!”

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