Tuesday, March 31, 2015


This is Brandy and her Skinny Fiber success story, doesn't she look amazing???!! 
Brandy writes: 
"I haven't done a before & after since about 18 days into starting my Skinny Fiber. Pictures always made me sick, but I figured it was time! The first picture was taken 6 months before I started my journey with Skinny Body Care and the second was taken on the 12th of this month at my daughters wedding. I went dress shopping and was so excited when I put on that size 12 and it actually fit...and comfortably too I wasn't afraid to get my picture taken and I know my kids are proud of what I have accomplished so far. I try really hard not to get on the scale because it is so discouraging if that number doesn't drop, but I do know that I have released just about 40 pounds and many, many inches! I started out in a really tight size 16, and now a comfortable size 12. I have 34 pounds that I would still like to release, and I know that with Skinny Fiber, it will happen!!
As for what other wonderful things that have happened since starting my Skinny Fiber....I have no more hot flashes, no more issues with IBS, no more depression (I look forward to all the possibilities), I have not had even one major panic attack, and I sleep sooooo much better at night!!
Before Skinny Fiber, I tried just about anything you can name off...Weight Watchers, Nutrisystems, Isagenix, Atkins, Herbalife, Phentermine, and the list goes on and on. Nothing has ever worked for me the way Skinny Fiber has! I've learned that what works for one, doesn't always work for everyone, but dang, isn't it worth at least trying???

I am always posting awesome stuff!

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