Monday, February 16, 2015


WOOOHOOO!!! Alena is down 50 pounds in only 4 months!!!!!
She says…..
"Ok…here it is. As promised when I hit the 50 lb mark I would post my progress pic. For those of you that know me, know this is something I would never do in a million years. But part of my process is being accountable, open, and honest to show you that Skinny Fiber and making smart choices really works. So my recipe for success is making healthier choices, eat in moderation, drink lots of water, and continue my education daily on what it means to live a healthy living lifestyle. I will adjust as I go and as my body needs. Incorporate more exercise, adjust my food intake etc. This is not a diet or fad…this is my lifestyle now. I am a work in progress…I’m not where I want to be, but thank God I’m not where I used to be."

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