Saturday, January 10, 2015


"Ok, so here goes my first update with my face, not just a body shot, NEVER dreamed that would happen!!!!!! new testimony...I started Skinny Fiber in June of 2012...I was a huge skeptic, and had every right to be....EVERYTHING I tried didn't work....I even tried the 3 day diet.., you know...the one where you starve yourself for 3 days and you lose 1 pound of water weight that comes right back when you LOOK at the real food you eat on the 4th day!!!! I even PAID for the 11 day diet!!!!They say "eat whatever you want and they'll generate a diet for you to use based on the foods you choose" I thought..great..this is for me......BUT they don't tell you UNTIL AFTER you buy that it is food from a list!!!!!!! So, fail again. ..I needed to do something...I have had extra weight on me most of my life..Then when my mom was sick I gained so much...I sat next to her in the hospital and that's all I and of course I gained it.then after my mom passed away I lost all that weight plus was great...then, I found out I was pregnant...but luckily I only gained a few pounds and lost it all after..but then....stress happened...single mom, living with my sister and friends...I started to gain...I met my now husband and we started a family..and as we added to the family I added to my the time I had my 3rd child I was well overweight!!!! On top of that I decided to quit smoking..Been smoke free for almost 6 years now...but along with that comes even more weight gain.I have been through alot with my weight loss..through school I was teased alot because of it and then in my adult life I thought it was over...people mature...boy was I wrong..My brother in law had so many mean things to say to me...I had my own fat planet...I always look pregnant....just mean!!! I would leave my mother in laws and get in the car and cry...My self esteem was wiped right out of my it began...I withdrew from society...I made my husband go to the stores...caused a major strain on my marriage, I didn't want to go anywhere...Then, I started to feel tired all the time..pain began all over my body, it hurt to be touched, I went into depression...I was not happy.. A bit later I finally went to the doctor...I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia...So great...on top of my glaucoma in which I am almost blind in my right eye and starting on my left) I have this other horrible disease...tired all the time, can't play with my kids, can't exercise, depression, constant pain...I am too young for all this!!!!! So, here I the rest of my life this needless to say I gained even more weight....after I had my 3rd child I gained an additional 50 pounds!!!!! Then, I saw this weight loss group, and I joined...I watched and read and watched some more..They were talking about this Skinny Fiber stuff....and I thought nope..tried to many things and spent too much money!!!!! But I kept watching and the success stories were crazy!!!! I thought to myself, well, there is a 30 day empty bottle gaurantee, why last time, one last thing..and the plus is it is all natural and won't interact with my meds and won't make me jittery...SO.... I did it...and let me tell you!!!! I will shout it from a mountain..THE BEST DAMN DECISION OF MY LIFE!!!!! My first month I lost weight..10 lbs!!! in three months I was down 34 pounds!!!! and I didn't even exercise!!!! .I was becoming happy again..Then I started to notice my pain..was it going away? It sure was!!!!! I started having pain free days...more and more...only a day here or there with pain...I couldn't believe it....I went in for my check up...MY DOCTOR TOOK ME OFF MY PAIN MEDS!!!!! are you kidding me??? He was shocked!!!! People just don't get better from Fibromyalgia!!!! Well, I'm proof they do!!!! This weight loss pill (obviously with health benefits) gave me my life kids have their mom back!!!!! Everyday I thank God for bringing this into my life!!! I am able to exercise now...not everyday,but I can do it!!!!I am able to play with my kids again....I CAN PLAY BASKETBALL with my son!!!!!I have energy, I ride 3 miles a couple times a week with my family and I walk a mile a couple times a week!!! my depression is gone!!!!! I have never felt so good!!! I am now down 50 pounds (60 to go), off my fibro meds, and happy as a lark!!!! My marriage is no longer suffering. I am able to go in public and attend my kids conferences...I am friends with my neighbors..I have friends again...I am not ashamed of myself anymore!!!! I am telling you, this is so worth a try. I will spend the rest of my life spreading the word on this weight loss/health pill...It's not just a diet pill...It will change your life forever...I seriously would not wait any longer..."

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