Monday, December 22, 2014


Kimberly still doing awesome!!!
My journey using Skinny Fiber - May 23 2012 starting day
I have lost over 140 pounds using Skinny Fiber in just over a year and too many inches to count. I LOVE it, I feel like a new person.
This is the healthiest and smallest I have ever been in my life. After 5 babies (4 of them being very close together), 5 c-sections, and being very over weight all my life, I never thought I would look and feel the way I do today. I thought I was doomed to be the "big girl" for the rest of my life but Skinny Fiber helped me become the person I always felt I was - healthy and sexy.
I know that Skinny Fiber works and
is an amazing product and I will be forever grateful for this product. I tried EVERY diet and weight loss product out there and each time I did I couldn't stick with the program or the product simply did NOT work - I almost gave up trying.
Then one night I was surfing Facebook and came across an ad for Skinny Fiber. I admit it took me several months of reading and researching before I ordered, it sounded too good to be true. But one night I took the plunge and ordered and from that day onward Skinny Fiber and Skinny Body Care has changed my life.
I eat low carb, drink ONLY water, take my Skinny Fiber 2 times a day (before lunch and dinner) and I do not exercise (yet). Skinny Fiber has given me back my life - and for myself and my kids that is worth so much. Thank you Skinny Fiber and SBC."
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90 DAY EMPTY BOTTLE GUARANTEE for the Special Packs and 30 DAYS for one bottle which is one months supply. Nothing to lose but the WEIGHT!!

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