Monday, December 29, 2014


Kathy , you are looking so good!

I LOVE SKINNY FIBER!!! In just 2 short months I am down a full pant size, I am 56 years young and did not ever think this was possible, never before could I get one single pound to budge or even remove 1 inch from my body, it gets so frustrating when you get older, your body just does not want to co-operate with your efforts, on top of this I was diagnosed about 5 years ago with a rare form of Dystonia, it's a slowly progressing disease that affects me from my neck all the way to the bottom of my feet, it mainly affects the spine and has caused me a lot of pain, I woke up one morning with a stiff neck but it never went away, this is where it started, it is known as Cervical Dystonia over time it causes a no-no shaking motion of the head, I am a fighter and determined not to let it knock me off my feet or put me in a wheel chair as the doctors told me this is where most people end up who develop this disease, here I am 5 years later and still standing with more determination than ever not to let it weaken my muscles! Since taking the Skinny Fiber on July 9th 2013 I feel amazing and am finding my shakes are much less frequent, I love the way it makes me feel, I am in so much less pain these days, I get enough exercise doing light office cleaning in two buildings at night and taking care of my 3 year old granddaughter in the day time. I have always eaten healthy and was never really a sweet lover but all in all adding Skinny Fiber has rocked my world for the better!!! Find your Journey To Freedom it's amazing how good you will feel! Have an amazing day everyone, I know I will!!!Please feel free to share my story to your Facebook page my story may help someone to feel positive and give them hope!!

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