Monday, December 22, 2014


This is my friend Heather!
"My name is Heather, and I've just finished my first 90 Day Challenge with Skinny Fiber. I can't even tell you how thrilled I am to have found this product! The picture on the far left is a week before I started my journey and I weighed 158 lbs at 5'1" so needless to say, I needed a change. Skinny Fiber made losing weight and inches effortless for me. All I did was take my pills consistently and drink loads of water. My biggest struggle with losing has always been being hungry and I don't do well with that. To put it mildly, I turn into a bear when I'm hungry. Lol
I've lost 15 lbs and 10". I started out in an extra large and I'm now wearing a medium. Woohoo!!! That feels great! I sleep so much better than before Skinny Fiber, my skin is glowing and my cycles are regular for the first time ever! I've had fertility issues for years and doctors told me I had PCOS and endometriosis. Who know if I had found Skinny Fiber 10 years ago, I might have been able to have the big family I wanted.
My next 90 day challenge starts tomorrow along with exercise and healthier eating. I can hardly wait to share my results for that one!
If you've been considering losing weight and getting back in shape, you have to try Skinny Fiber! You will love it 100%!"
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90 DAY EMPTY BOTTLE GUARANTEE for the Special Packs and 30 DAYS for one bottle which is one months supply. Nothing to lose but the WEIGHT!!

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