Wednesday, November 12, 2014


As I. Joann write my Testimonial thus far today on October 4th 2014 it is day 73 of my Second 90 Day Challenge. I was very excited to get started with with the Skinny Fiber Product. I have had a problem with my weight for years. I remember joining Jenny Craig back in 2000. I lost all the weight but didn't keep it off after I stopped. The foods were prepared and it was very expensive. A few years later I joined Nutri System but actually gained 10 more pounds on the product. I joined one other company that sold prepared foods but hated how they tasted. They sat in the freezer and in 2010 after a power failure during a storm everything got thrown out. So thousands if you think about it was wasted. Oh I had also joined Visalus at one point I liked the product but also found that after I stopped that product I gained everything back. I really did not like making smoothies twice a day. That is not the way to eat.
I joined Skinny Fiber in 2013 when a Distributor from the company told me that he had found a product for me that he felt was a perfect match for me. He was right. I love taking Skinny Fiber it is so easy all you have to do is take 2 capsules 1/2 hour before I eat lunch and 1/2 hour before I eat dinner with a good size glass of water. I soon after feel as if it really does not matter if I eat. It controls those cravings. I find that I am eating healthier I don't have the cravings for junk food or eating snacks after dinner time.
I noticed right away that my waist started losing inches. I then started to see that I had lost a couple of pounds.
I continue taking and noticed that I had more energy and really felt clear headed. I notice myself taking off my glasses more when I was at Little Cherubs. Then I noticed that I hardly ever wore them at home any longer. The only time I had them on was when I was watching TV.
So for me Skinny Fiber has helped me all around since I suffer from Myo Facial Disorder and a slight TBI. My illness Myo Facial Disorder is similar to Fibromyaligia. It has help my headaches/migraines.
I am healthy, I am happy and I feel wonderful.
So do I think Skinny Fiber works? Yes, Yes, Yes...
I would recommend this product to anyone who has a problem sleeping, a person who has fogginess in their head, if you suffer from migraines, if you have a physical aliment like I do Fibromyalgia or like I have Myo Facial Disorder.
I can not say that all these illness will be cured for you all I can say is that it helped me.
So below I am showing you my collage of my progress while taking Skinny Fiber. I have lost 20 pounds and I have 6 more pounds to go to reach my goal. I started my first weight at 150 and I am now 130. So yes I am not done but even after I am done losing my weight I plan to continue taking the product because it has helped me with my health issues.
Like I said earlier if you have any of these aliments I can not guarantee that you will be cured from these but i do know that you will lose weight and inches and that your cravings will disappear and your body will get rid of those toxins that are in your body and you will feel like a new person.
Please share because I am Very PROUD of my accomplishments. I became a Distributor as well because I believe in this product it is truly amazing.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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