Sunday, September 7, 2014


This is Kimberly's story:
My journey...I ran across Skinny Fiber by accident one day and ignored the ad.I had tried so many weightloss things in the past that did not work and one of the RX weightloss pills I took actually caused heart damage!So,I swore I would never try another one again.I kept thinking about it over and over and that little voice in my head kept telling me to try" one more". I finally gave in and ordered Skinny fiber.It had a money back guarantee so I would not be out any money if it didn't work.I started it on September 1st.....within the first week I could really tell a difference in the way I felt! No jittery feelings,it gave me energy without making me hyper or making my heart race! I was so excited to learn that I lost 12 pounds and went from a 12/14 to an 8 in my jeans after the first bottle. I felt a huge difference,I was not so depressed,my IBS was not there anymore and I was able to get off my blood pressure meds ( TOPROL). I think I finally found a product that I will take from here on out!!! I loved Skinny Fiber so much that I actually started being a distributor,because I wanted to show evryone what an awesome product it was and to actually help people get healthy and lose weight!!! I am so thankful that I listened to my gut instinct telling me to try it.I am just still amazed with this product every single day!!! I have no more cravings at all. My cellulite is disappearing and my stomach is getting flatter than it ever has been in years! My weightloss slowed down a bit but I am still losing inches all over."


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