Saturday, August 2, 2014


When I first heard of Skinny Fiber I was a little skeptical. I kept seeing all the before and after pics and thought to myself - I have to see if this stuff is for real. Besides it was ONLY $60 and came with a 30 day MBG.
WELL! I lost 7 lbs in 10 days! I couldn't believe it. I didn't exercise, or change my eating, so i thought. But I was starting to eat less. I wasn't hungry. I stopped snacking at night time. So I decided to stick with it. After 6 months I lost 20 lbs!
I have now been on Skinny Fiber for about 10 months and already, so many fabulous changes. Not only have I LOST WEIGHT, I have a TON of energy, and I no longer have Migraines (which is huge for me). I am sleeping much better at night, I am eating WAY less, I am buying NEW CLOTHES! I went from a size 14 to a size 9!!!!.
I am trying to eat better but I don't get stressed if i have the odd treat. That is the great thing about Skinny Fiber! You don’t need to change anything, and you will notice a difference! BUT, if you choose to exercise and watch what you are eating, you’ll notice an even bigger difference!

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