Monday, August 25, 2014


Here my update loss 25pounds and 27 inches 265
"Here my Skinny Fiber results. I was very skeptical about trying another product many do not work I was always over weight health problem just kept coming chronic venous insufficient it was so bad I had to have a venous boot put on for 14 days could not take it off till leg ulcer heal so much pain just could take it anymore and my other leg my knee was degenerating need surgery on it needles did help and back pain from a fall years ago and Acid reflex GERD and Sinus and Sleep adpena too I could not sit or stay to long I finally had to give up work In July we when on our dream trip for our 35 Anniversary for 19 days had a awesome time but paid for it later could hardly walk when I got home So had to do something gain more weight MY MOM found out she has a rare cancer scared me time to take charge I want be there for my husband ,kids and 3 beautiful grandchildren So here I am in Aug was the best thing I did ordering SKINNY FIBER I am embarrassed weighting 290 I am down to 272. pounds and only 15 inches the capris size 24 I got for trip are to big down to size 22 but it a start no more knee pain more energy no more pills for Acid reflex my leg is healed not wearing my pressure sock s sleep better no machine feel better I AM GOING TO START A 90 DAY CHALLENGE so see where I am in March My husband is on it to he lost 10 pounds we like doing thing together lol Thank you SKINNY FIBER awesome product also using ageless love it cant wait to take new picture after 90 days challenge."═════════ღღ═════════

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