Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I post other testimonies about Skinny Fiber so I thought it was time to give my updated one. Many of you know I started my weight loss journey Aug 6, 2013. I started at 252 lbs. I was in a very tight size 24 pants and size 3x shirt. As of July 22, 214 I am down to 182 lbs., that’s a total of 70 lbs. gone so far and I am down to a size 14 pants and size med-large shirt. I owe it to Skinny Fiber. It has helped me get healthy. I no longer crave sweets. I actually don’t like sugar. I gave up sodas completely. I drink water all day along with my morning 1-2 cups of coffee, and a cup of hot tea at night. I also drink sugar-free tea. I no longer suffer from the daily heartburn anymore. I sleep much better. I find I crave vegetables, fruit, and water. I’m a much happier person. I am still a work in progress but I now see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will be able to make my goal weight by Dec/Jan 2014. When I first started skinny fiber I didn’t change my diet. I wanted to see if it would do what I was told. I had ice cream and fast food and still lost. Gradually I found I didn’t want that stuff and my portion sizes got smaller and smaller. My only regret is that I waited 4 months to try it. I have seen so many other products claim to help you lose weight and the only thing that got smaller was my wallet. I am Skinny Fiber for life.
In December I decided that I wanted to become a distributor so that I could help others become healthier and lose weight. I also started a weight loss support group for anyone that wants to join rather they are taking Skinny Fiber or not.
Skinny Fiber is a pure, 100 % all natural nutritional weight loss supplement that comes in the form of a capsule. It is a super detox on a cellular level! It has no nasty side effects, unlike other dietary supplements that make your heart pound and make you feel jittery. Skinny Fiber is STIMULANT, DRUG, AND CHEMICAL FREE.

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