Thursday, July 31, 2014


So here we are, the first pic was taken 8/26/13, after pic was taken today 7/31/14.

When I found Skinny Fiber, I weighed 207 lbs at 5 foot tall that's just way to much weight to be carrying. I was miserable. I couldn't breath good, I waswaking myself up in the middle of the night gasping for a breath. I had acid reflux so bad that I was taking prescription meds twice a day and still chewing tums and rolaids all day long. I had esophigitis and was worried that I was going to have to have surgery to dilate my esophagus. I had IBS and diverticulitis attacks all the time. I had high blood pressure, my hips, knees and ankles hurt all the time. I was exhausted when I woke up in the morning and falling asleep in my chair after dinner.

I started seeing the Skinny Fiber ads here on Facebook in May of 2013 and read about it, saw the before and after testimonials and really didn't believe it. I figured it was a scam, just like all the other products I'd tried over the years. Yes, I tried them all. Weight Watchers, Nutrisystems, Diet Center, HCG, Phen-Phen, Plexus, Ace, even shots. Nothing worked for me. I joined a weight loss group and continued to watch and read about Skinny Fiber. On August 19, I placed my order. I figured if it didn't work, I could at least send it back within 30 days and get my money back.

My SF arrived and by day 3 I realized I hadn't refilled my prescription for my acid reflux meds. By the 2nd week I was sleeping all night, no more tossing and turning and waking myself up gasping for air. It's now been 11 months. I've lost 41 lbs and 80" overall. I've gone from a 2XL top to a large and a super tight (can't button the button) size 18 jeans to a size 10.

I didn't change my diet and I didn't exercise for the first 10 months. All I did was take 2 Skinny Fiber capsules 2 times a day before lunch and dinner and I stopped drinking diet pop. I only drink water, approx 80-100 oz per day. Now, I'm feeling good about myself and I want to make healthier choices. I'm eating better and I've started jogging. I'll be 51 years old in 2 weeks and I'm jogging miles 1.5 miles at least 4 times a week.

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