Thursday, July 31, 2014


Wow Sandrine looks great!!

"Hello, my name is Sandrine and the picture on the left was taken at the end of January 2013 and the one on the right was taken at the end of November 2013 (Thanksgiving cruise to the Bahamas). I started taking Skinny Fiber at the beginning of April 2013 and in just a few short months I have lost 30 lbs! I am only 5'3" so every extra lb on my body really shows! Skinny Fiber has given me my life back, I hadn't been this thin since before getting pregnant with my first child, 16 years ago!!! Everybody around me just cannot believe the transformation. I went from a BMI of 27.5 (overweight) to a BMI of 22.7 (healthy weight) in less than 5 months, and I have never felt better in my life! I have also lost many many inches that the scale cannot tell, and all my clothes have been falling off LOL. I do not exercise at all (I hate it and I do not have time) except for the occasional dip in the backyard pool. I had been taking my Skinny Fiber religiously every day, taking two capsules with 16 ounces of water 45 minutes before lunch and again before dinner, each day, without changing my eating habits too much. Skinny Fiber actually made me crave healthy foods like salad and vegetables, and I get totally turned off by greasy fried foods, I have to walk away from them!

Everyone who knows me well, knows I'm a cruise addict, LOL!!! This is the first time after 16+ cruises that I have not been grossed out at pictures taken of myself and still be able to enjoy my cruise and all the yummy food and buffets!!!!!! Can you say "over the moon"???

I have now reduced my daily intake of Skinny Fiber to one or two caps per day, and I am STILL losing weight and craving healthy foods! It is like my body has been detoxed or something and has gotten way way much healthier. If you have been struggling with your weight and have been feeling miserable, I strongly suggest you give it a try. Like I said, Skinny Fiber has given me my life back, that I thought I had lost forever after the huge weight gain I had experienced with my first pregnancy many many years ago, a lot of extra weight that I was never able to get rid of until Skinny Fiber! I can feel beautiful again, and I will always be grateful to the person who introduced me to Skinny Fiber!! It works and it ROCKS!!!"

Are you ready to change your life? All Natural, No stimulants, No fake food, No crazy shakes, and a money back guarantee!


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