Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I am down 30 lbs and 24 inches in just over 3 months! I am in my 2nd 90 day challenge. I LOVE my Skinny Fiber! I have been drinking lots of water since I started SF and began walking a couple of months ago. So yes, that has helped me with my weight loss. But here is what I noticed. The past 2 weeks I have not walked and my eating was not as healthy as I like now, but I took my SF twice a day (I set my alarm at 12 noon and 6pm) and I lost 7 lbs in that time! Just by taking my Skinny Fiber!! My BP has been reduced as well. I have been taking it weekly and it has been lower than it ever has been.....even with the 2 meds I take for it!
I can't wait to see how I do in this next 90 days!


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