Wednesday, July 30, 2014


The testimony process is so challenging for us. It's never easy to make the reveal! Listen to Gina's words...

"The truth is I HATE PICTURES! I have for a long time now and I missed out on a lot of photos with my kids. The only way someone could get a picture was to sneak a shot. Well I made a promise that in 90 days I would post my results with skinny fiber. Oh how I didn't want to! I'm not where I was 90 days ago but I'm not where I want to be either!
I had been having a hard time with my weight this past year. I hated looking in the mirror. I always asked myself the same thing, "how did you let yourself go like this"?) I have been taking care of my mom and She is a larger lady like me! (cant wait until I can say WAS) I have watched her go from a recliner to a hospital bed and NOT GET BACK UP. Her legs wont support her. I swore I didn't want to go out like that without a fight.
I prayed to God he would send me SOMETHING to help me lose weight! I'm a stress eater, I knew I was in trouble and I needed help! I ran into this lady. She keep posting and posting and I read and read. I was so skeptical. It took me a month and a half to decide to give it a try.
Well I stuck my mother and daughter on it too! I can't weigh my mother but I can tell you she's losing it little by little. But I can show you my results!
Cant wait to see what the next 90 days brings! I believe in Skinny Fiber so much I became a distributor! Skinny Fiber, Cutting my carbs (yes I still cheat, Coke and sweet southern tea are my downfall) Thank God for my Skinny Fiber! Skinny Fiber for life!"

Start your 90 days here:

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