Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Hey y'all! Check out my friend's son, Caleb Cruz Flores! Im so proud! He has lost 17 pounds in the last 6 weeks doing Skinny Fiber!

He did Skinny Fiber over a year ago and lost 20 pounds but then started college and gained the freshman 15. This is his story.

He says....
For a while I fell into a depression after my first heartbreak, constant hours of league of legends, eating whole pizzas and 2 liters all by myself twice a day hardly skating just being unproductive. I realized if I sat around in my own self pity that i'd never accomplish anything thinking about the "what ifs" in life.

I took a before photo on the left, something I had never done before on June 5th, two days before my birthday. I told myself I was about to be 20 years in my prime and I wanted to live like it.

I'm not done yet and still have a long way to go before I reach my goal body, but I'm way closer than I ever was. Thank you Skinny Fiber and thank you to my new bike!"



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