Sunday, June 22, 2014


A friend of mine made this.

I started making these for special occasions. Birthdays, Graduations, and finally, a wedding! The bride chose 5 colors for her wedding. With the help of the bride's parents, we were able to create this amazing "cake" made from rolled currency. It has KILLED me to not post this until now. But I couldn't chance the bride seeing it before the special presentation at her reception. I can say, the photo does NOT do it justice and she did start to tear up when she saw it.

I used floral foam to create the "cake" layers. We rolled way more currency than I care to count. We taped each bill and then tied small ribbons around each one that corresponded with her wedding colors. Because we had to travel with it, I hot glued each bill on the floral foam. Then the flowers were attached at the corners. For the topper, I glued a wine glass, filled it in with flowers and leaves at the base. Inside the glass, I rolled a $50 bill and then filled it with rolled $1's. Then, the flowers were put in the top.

I set the "cake on a piece of sturdy cardboard. I then used wired glittery ribbon to make the "frosting ruffle" around the bottom. Then I used silver beads and hot glued those at the base layer covering where the ribbon met the bills.

It was a labor of love. It took somewhere between 15 and 18 hours to construct. And it was the highlight of all of the pain and suffering and hot glue burns to see the look and the face of the bride and groom when their gift was presented to them.

The base layer was 12x12. Then 10x10, 8x8, 6x6 and the top was 4x4. I used 1 sheet of 2 inch floral foam that was 36 inches long and 12 inches wide.


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