Monday, June 23, 2014


Strawberry margarita Jell-O Shots!!!!

Makes: 16 1-ounce shots

•3 oz. Strawberry Jell-O 
•1 cup boiling water
•1 cup chilled Vodka
**Also need an ice tray I didn't have one so I improvised and used an egg carton (this also helped to conceal them from my kids who LOVE strawberries'.
Measure out your liquor and store in the refrigerator till your ready to use.
Next you need to get your strawberries' washed and you want to pat them dry.
Now you want to part way core them out! Next Boil your water and add Jell-O and still till dissolved.
Next stir in chilled liquor.
Pour into your 'shot glasses'.
Put then in the fridge till they set up. (At least 2 hours but I think they tasted better the next day)
Store them in the fridge and serve up as needed! Place a small bowl of salt in a convenient place to dip the rims in salt when your ready to have a shot!

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